
Showing posts from October, 2019


In today's class of Media Studies we earned about lighting. Zunain was used as our subject for lighting. here are some pictures taken during the class.

How to evaluate a short video

Sir Nadeem Zulfiqar taught us how to evaluate a short video in todays Media Studies class. He told us to divide the page into four boxes as shown in the picture below. Four Boxes The following boxes have been categorized as the four main elements of any movie/video clip. Camera Mes-on-scene Editing  Sound  After observing the clip, we are supposed to fill in these boxes respectively with everything we saw about ; the camera angels and movements, the mes-on-scene which includes the characters the props the lighting etc, the editing and different cuts used in the clip and the sound effects used. 

Semiotics and Social Groups

Today Sir Nadeem introduced us to the topic of Semiotics and Social Groups. He explained to us the signifier and the signified and gave us a brief lecture on  Color Psychology. Here is everything i noted down in class about the following topics. Sir emphasized a lot on memorizing the six Social Groups of media which are ; Gender Ethnicity/Race Disability Class and Status Sexuality Age

Camera Shots and Movements

We were introduced to the different types of camera shots and movements by Sir Nadeem and here is a list of them. We were also told about the format in which we should save our work on Adobe which is H.264 High Quality 1080p HD. 


The first thing Sir Nadeem Zulfiqar taught us are the basics of Media Studies; The Rule Of Thirds, Camera shots and Camera Angles as shown in the picture below. Some written work done in class!!! After some classwork Sir Nadeem sent us outside in the open, where we could capture some examples of the rule of thirds, and take some pictures using our phones. I used an Apple Iphone 7 which has a six-element lens and a 12-megapixel sensor. these are some pictures I took using my class fellows as the subject!!! As you can see in the following pictures there is plenty of "nose room" , which is a term Sir Nadeem taught us for The Rule of Thirds, which is being applied in the following pictures.