
Showing posts from December, 2019


Emily is seen tied on a chair, in need of help. A person with a baseball bat in his hand is approaching Emily. As soon as the person strikes his bat on Emily, Jack wakes up and realises that it was just a nightmare. Jack calls Emily just to check if shes okay. Emily does not hear the ringing of Jack's incoming calls and continues to watch television. Emily then hears a disturbing sound and decides to check what it is. She walks towards the door, opens it and goes outside to see whats going on. The door behind her closes shut suddenly and a sinister stranger with a glove declines the incoming call on Emily's phone inside the house. this is the sypnosis for our film opening.


This is the storyboard of our film opening designed by Jarar Ali.

Our Audience

Thriller  does not have an exact audience this is due to the fact that thriller has such a wide audience, however there are many sub-genres to thriller such as action thriller, conspiracy thriller, crime thriller, mystery thriller and psychology thriller.  The  demographics  of your  audience  are statistical information about your  audience  such as age or education level. You'll learn about the  audience's  personality and values with psychographics.  Psychographics  is the study of people's attitudes and interests, often studied in conjunction with typical demographic data to build more complete profiles of target markets and  audiences . Although  psychographics  is used in a variety of applications, its primary use is in market research. Our film openings audience is restricted to ages 15-40 as per research. Thriller films can be frightening with jump scares, violence, disturbing etc. The psycographics of our audience will be people who are daring, who enjoy s

25 Word Pitch

Jack sees a mysterious dream and thinks Emily needs help. While Emily ignores Jack's calls to investigate something outside, a sinister stranger declines jack's calls.

Research and Inspiration

I personally enjoy watching Thriller films. These films create enigma and keep you at the edge of your seat at all times. My inspiration for this filming our film opening are the previous thriller movies Iv'e seen. My personal favorite is 2008's Dark Knight by Christopher Nolan. the whole film was excellent but the opening was the best Ive ever seen; The following video had been recorded by my phone so I posted the videos link for better quality

Research into Conventions of the Genre

Definition: ⦁ “A thriller is defined as a narrative wherein the reader experiences a vicarious thrill by identifying with both the deeds of high daring, performed by the hero and the dangers to which he (or she) is exposed.” [Conventions of Thriller Films] Thriller Conventions: ⦁ Context: Historical and geographical context drives societal values and themes in the text. ⦁ Setting: Often urban or sub-urban, everyday normality. ⦁ Mood: Intense excitement, rush of emotions, suspense, a high level of anticipation, ultra-heightened expectation, uncertainty, anxiety, and nerve-wracking tension; creates feelings of surprise, curiosity suspense, hope, anxiety. ⦁ Danger: Life itself is threatened, usually because the principal character is unsuspecting or unknowingly involved in a dangerous or potentially deadly situation. Violence and death are central conventions.        ⦁ Fast pace, action ⦁ Tough, resourceful, ordinary hero drawn into danger by circumstances beyond

Location Scouting

After finalizing the plot my team and I started discussing the location possibilities. We came up with a few possibilities For the scene in which person C wakes up, we were thinking that this bedroom may be suitable for this scene  For the scene in which person C gets out of his bed and is leaving the house.

Finalizing the Plot

After careful consideration and great thinking my team and I have finalized the plot!!! The movie will now start by showing a person (A) tied to a chair who's not in the best of their condition. The miseenscene of this scene will show that the person is not in their best condition and are hurt or not treated well. The shot will be established in a dark gloomy place with very less light. The miseenscene of the dark gloomy place will also be established from a master shot.  Now the next scene will show another person(B) with some sort of a bat which is being dragged on the floor as person B is approaching person A.  This scene will be shown from a low angle, So that the feet,legs and hands(wearing some kind of gloves) of person B are shown as this person drags the bat slowly approaching person A(who's tied to a chair). As soon as person B comes really close to person A and strikes their bat, The scene will switch. Now, The scene will switch showing a person(person C)