Finalizing the Plot

After careful consideration and great thinking my team and I have finalized the plot!!!

The movie will now start by showing a person (A) tied to a chair who's not in the best of their condition. The miseenscene of this scene will show that the person is not in their best condition and are hurt or not treated well. The shot will be established in a dark gloomy place with very less light. The miseenscene of the dark gloomy place will also be established from a master shot. 
Now the next scene will show another person(B) with some sort of a bat which is being dragged on the floor as person B is approaching person A. 
This scene will be shown from a low angle, So that the feet,legs and hands(wearing some kind of gloves) of person B are shown as this person drags the bat slowly approaching person A(who's tied to a chair). As soon as person B comes really close to person A and strikes their bat, The scene will switch.
Now, The scene will switch showing a person(person C) who suddenly wakes up in their bed after having a nightmare.A wide angle shot will be shown to establish the shot where a person is shown in the bed, and two side-tables on each side of the bed. An extreme close-up of person C will be shown to show that this person is heavily breathing,their hair is messed up and they're having a little bit of a sweat.This scene will clearly establish that the person was zoned out in his sleep and he had a nightmare which affected this person tremendously. The person will instantly turn to their phone and see missed calls from person A and call person A who was seen in the nightmare. The scene will now switch.
In this scene, A phone with an incoming call from person C will be shown. Master-shot will be shot and the location will of this scene will be established. The scene is going to take place inside a home. When the phone will be shown ringing, Person A will be shown in the background(out of focus). Then, A noise will be heard from outside the house, After this a focus pull will be done to focus on person A who was in the background. The person will now stand up and walk towards the door to go outside. Once the person opens the door, dramatic music starts fading in. Person A looks outside from left to right wahen suddenly the door behind this person closes. Camera switches to a wide angle shot from infront of the character and shows the character turning its back to the camera and its front towards the door.
In the last scene, A wide angle shot will be taken of the phone that was ringing previously. This time suddenly hand of person B with the same gloves will be seen and this person will reject the call. The movie will end here leaving the audience in suspense and hence creating an enigma.

The engima is
Who person B was?
What was person B doing in Person A's house?
Was it really a dream that person C had?
How was person A related to Person C?
How were the three characters related to each other?

I hope we execute this story the same way we envisioned it. Wish us luck !!!


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